Before "Waves," Swagata Biswas Launched Her Indie Journey with "Lens"
Indie musician Swagata Biswas released "Lens" in 2019 as her debut single. In our chat over coffee, Swagata shares how she came to establish her role as a singer-songwriter, and the driving force behind her music making.
“This song was purely an experimentation, and it just flowed so easily...I felt like I was supposed to sing this song.”
A couple of months after releasing “Lens” in September, 2019, indie musician Swagata Biswas flew back to New York City, where she was born and raised, to perform at Rockwood Music Hall and record new songs for the following year. It was during this trip she took to NYC that I had the opportunity to sit down with Swagata and chat about her debut single, and the path she has taken to establish herself as a musical artist.
Our conversation touched on a range of topics: from her musical training to the music scenes in NYC vs Seattle (where she resides currently) to the birth of “Lens” at 2am in the morning. She also gave her advice on combatting doubts before releasing new music, and even gave me a quick guitar lesson on the essential chords that lay the foundation for “Lens.” I had met her for the first time that day, but our conversation flowed as easily as if we’ve known each other for years.
The video of our conversation was set to be published in March 2020, but no one could have predicted a clash with the second worst pandemic in US history – the coronavirus outbreak.
Three months later, much of the entertainment industry remains on pause, but that doesn’t mean musicians have stopped creating. Swagata’s second single, “Waves,” is set to be released on June 26th, and I took the opportunity to ask about her music making during this difficult time.
I’ve also decided to unshelf our chat and release this video in the hopes of sharing positive, creative energy that has kept so many of us going through tough times.
Here’s more from Swagata as she reflects on the past few months and looks forward to the release of her upcoming single.
Louise: How has the pandemic affected your music making?
Swagata: With the extra time, I’ve focused on getting better at my instruments (piano, guitar, voice). During this time I’ve had the pleasure of performing in a number of live stream performances for Together Wherever Music, which is a nationwide music festival, Tim’s Tavern Livestream, Rory D’Lasnow’s Singersongwriter Showcase, Artflow’s Singersongwriter Showcase and most recently, a benefit for Black Visions Collective, hosted by Astoria Music Collective.
I have also been writing more progressions and lyrics. But in general, the writing has helped collect all of my thoughts and feels about the current state of affairs and has been relaxing and productive in these stressful times.
Louise: What is one thing you miss the most during COVID-19?
Swagata: I definitely miss human interaction and closeness. I think in these times, I’ve been able to reconnect with a lot of people and strengthen bonds as we are all supporting each other. However, there is nothing like being in the presence of another person’s physical energy and personal interaction. I also totally miss hugs.
Louise: Why did you decide to release “Waves” now?
I had set the date for the release of “Waves” before the unfortunate incident in Minneapolis and the wave of protests. However, I am okay with releasing “Waves” at this time. “Waves” is a contemplative song about turning points in one’s life and talks about seeing the positives that come out of difficult situations and circumstances.
With the current situation in our world, I think the message in “Waves” would be helpful to many people who are having a hard time right now and trying to process change for the greater good.
Louise: Since live, in-person shows are still on pause, do you have anything planned for the promotion of “Waves”?
Swagata: For now, I plan on releasing the song and making announcements about it. Based on the next few weeks/months, I will likely plan a release show. For now the date is TBD as it is still important to take this time to reflect, support the causes we value, and take care of our collective health.
Interview conducted and written by Louise Lau. Connect on social @offstagetunes