How Scott Krokoff Juggles Music, Family, and a Full-Time Career
“It’s up to you to seize what each moment brings.”
Singer and songwriter Scott Krokoff has been playing and writing music for many years. His sound incorporates folk rock, country pop and Americana, and often includes his own accompaniment on the guitar.
Scott’s commitment to music is obvious, and his polished sound has earned him an established and loyal fan base. What you may not realize though, is the extraordinary juggling act Scott performs alongside his pursuit of a musical career.
Scott Krokoff featured on the Offstage Tunes Live show
“You can’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Everyone’s got their own set of problems even if they don’t admit it to you.”
An attorney by day, and musician in between working hours, plus 24/7 husband and father, Scott Krokoff’s hours, billable or not, are always packed with commitments to family, music, and work. “I'm constantly juggling ongoing priorities of some sort or another,” says Scott. “The best way I’m able to do this is really just focusing on increments, just doing a little at a time, including songwriting and everything else I’m doing. Certain days I’ll only have time for maybe one or two tasks; some days I won’t have time for any tasks.”
One of the tasks Scott has committed himself to is a weekly Instagram live he calls the “One Up, One Down, One Cover” – a snackable mini show where he performs one up original song, one down original song, and one cover song either by himself or with guest performers. Incredibly, Scott manages to fit in these streamed concerts in the middle of his work day at a time when his fans from New York and across Europe could also tune in.
But there’s one thing even Scott Krokoff, the master of multitasking and a living example of how one could pursue more than a single passion in life, sometimes needs help with. And that’s emotional support to get through the ups and downs in life as an artist.
His most recent single “Far Too Many Times” follows the frustration of someone who sees a close friend or partner wallowing about their disappointments. They then encourage their loved one to start acting and pursuing their dreams.
While the lyrics in the song could be applicable to different people in different scenarios, the inspiration behind the song came from Scott’s wife, and the song as it was written is told from her perspective.
“There are times as an artist when it’s easy to get down about this business,” says Scott. “[My wife] tells me, ‘You’ve got to do this because you love it. Just because you’ve done something for a long time doesn’t mean the world owes you something in return.”
Her wisdom continues: “You’ve got to prove it to yourself but also be happy with yourself and with your progress. You can’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Everyone’s got their own set of problems even if they don’t admit it to you.”
Scott’s wife sounds like a gem. And the song is a hit with a catchy tune and smooth melodic twists. But more importantly, Scott has shared an important message that should resonate with all creators.
For all of you artists out there, here’s hoping that you are also blessed with with a special partner/friend/family member who always provides their unwavering support to keep you going.
Interview conducted and written by Louise Lau. Connect with her on social media @offstagetunes
The interview was from episode #9 of the Offstage Tunes Live – The Brunch Series.