She’s Not Docile. VERAH's “Regal” Redefines the Female Image
“I’m not cute, I’m regal. I’m not nice, I’m evil.”
Throughout her life, singer-songwriter VERAH was often told that she was bossy and aggressive, and that these traits were not attractive in a woman. To all of those voices, VERAH has one song in response – “Regal.”
“It’s just about breaking the double standard,” says VERAH, whose artist name is spelled in all caps. “Men get lauded and applauded for these things that women are told they shouldn’t be doing. So, the whole song is about subverting the typical female image.”
Her musical training includes five years of classical piano, self-taught guitar playing, and ongoing voice lessons in multiple styles of singing, all of which have helped her become her own music producer. “Regal” is a self-produced song created completely on her own. Even though it took her 30 hours to produce the track, she values the creative freedom that comes with producing her own music.
VERAH featured on the Offstage Tunes Live show
“The whole song is about subverting the typical female image.”
“I have learned over the pandemic to do everything myself because nobody’s gonna put in as much work or as much love and care as you are for your own projects.”
When it comes to sharing music, VERAH prefers connecting with fans via Twitch, a live streaming platform best known for video game streaming. “What makes Twitch really amazing is that you can connect on a really individual basis,” says VERAH. She also finds it to be a highly collaborative environment where it is much easier to meet other streaming artists as well as those streamers’ audiences. “It’s a lot of fun. It feels like you’re chatting with friends and performing for your friends.”
Platforms like Facebook and YouTube, in her opinion, cater to more established musicians. Through her Twitch live streams, she’s been able to build stronger relationships with fans and fellow musicians, and encourages other independent musicians to try the same.
VERAH is just getting ready to enter her senior year in college. She may be young, but her determination and intelligence are already shining beautifully. It’ll be exciting to see what she creates next.
Interview conducted and written by Louise Lau. Connect with her on social media @offstagetunes